June 3, 2009


Have you seen the New Moon trailer? IT'S JUST RIDICULOUS!! At least for me.
What do you guys think?

Anyways, you may know that I'm taking a little rest of the Panic boards and other Internet stuff (?) for like, a month. I'm sad, but that's what I needed...I think.
But I'm still going to update my blog and also my Twitter sometimes.
I updated my fic on the boards (Chapter 8) too. I'll be glad if you keep it alive.

Ok, so. What's going on with me?
I'm sick. My throat is killing me and I feel like having fever every fucking day.
I almost break my arm the other day. Wtf. e.e
Also, I'm having a school trip for 3 days on June 24th! Or some date around that. It's going to be so cool! I'll take pics and I'll post them too. ;]
So, I'm so-so.


Ps. Have you seen Joe Jonas dancing to Single Ladies? LOL. IT MADE MY DAY!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The other on I postedfailed so hear it is again.

    The Trailer made me wonder "what do the do when it's Bella's time of the month?"

    The joe jonas thing dusturbed me.

  3. I'll keep your fic alive for you bb.
    With my super duper awesome bumps. ;D

    Dude, that Joe Jonas video killed me.

  4. I do agree with you on the New Moon trailer; it's freaking ridiculous. But I'm going to miss you on the boards! Come back, we miss you!
